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Prathertown's 141st Birthday

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Celebrate 141 Years of Prathertown

Help us preserve Prathertown, a Gaithersburg, Maryland neighborhood founded in 1883 by enslaved people. This historic community of kinship and friendship needs your partnership to expand history and contribute to archives. Tell us your story about Prathertown's past, send photographs, share poems, taste test recipes, bring your vinyl records and cassette tapes, showcase the family Bibles and choir robes. Show and tell your artifacts by joining us for upcoming listening sessions.

As Prathertown turns 141 years old, please join in honoring the legacy as we plan a preservation kickoff celebration on September 21. You can:

  • Join a committee

  • Participate in a porch podcast (or be interviewed via Zoom or in person)

  • Show and tell an artifact(s)

  • Submit a poem for the poetry contest

  • Donate via PayPal, Venmo or any other means/items

Prathertown's 141st Birthday Poetry Contest

Love poetry? Kick off Prathertown's 141st year celebration with poetry related to community service, peace, intergenerational connections, or the history of Prathertown, which was founded in 1883 by enslaved people. Winners will receive a cash prize! Categories are Elementary, Middle School, High School and Adult 18+ and residents of Montgomery County, Maryland.

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